Before Covid
When our girls were toddlers I loved the idea of homeschool, but I was also terrified by it. We weren’t confident in how to homeschool and decided to give public school a try. Overall, I’ve been content with our decision, but I do think the school day is too long and wished there was more flexibility. I still dream about the homeschool option, wondering if it could help us life our best life.
Covid Hits
The schools closed. Our girls were sent home with their iPads and Chromebooks. It wasn’t perfect, but everyone was doing the best they could. Then our school district decided to stay 100% virtual this year. I decided to embrace it. I saw this as an experiment. If we could make online school a success, then maybe we could take a year (after covid) and travel around the world!
I was confident that our girls could learn online. I also knew that it would be lonely. I reached out to two family friends to see if our kids could do school together a few days a week. Even better, Wednesdays were going to be extra short days, providing flexibility for adventures! I was thrilled!
4th Grade Virtual School
Virtual school has worked out awesome for N. She spends everyday with her best friend. Some days at our house; others at hers. The girls are super independent and responsible. I love it so much! Last Wednesday we walked into town to get ice cream, letting the girls walk ahead while Chris and I chatted.
I see N in a new light - more grown up and responsible. I can honestly say I love her online experience more than when she was going to the building.
3rd Grade Virtual School
A and B’s school year has been very different. Their best friend was invited to join a pod of girls and they extended the invite to us. Each day the girls would do school together, rotating homes. I had mixed feelings about this set up, but the girls were excited.
Academically, A and B are doing awesome. The girls enjoy the friend time, but some days one or both don’t want to join. On my end, I enjoy having a few quiet days at home, but navigating differing parent expectations has spiked my anxiety. I also feel like the pod structure prevents us from taking full advantage of this unique time.
With a new month upon us, I’m not sure what to do.
Chris and I need to talk. We need to talk with A and B
I have a feeling we will be mixing it up.
Are your kids doing virtual learning? How is it going?
I would love to hear about your experiences - whether this is new to you too or you’ve been doing it for many years.